
Showing posts from August, 2022

Phrasal Verbs starting with C letter: English grammar

Phrasal Verbs starting with C letter   Calm down: Become less excited, intense, or angry Cancel out: Neutralize the effect of something Catch on: Begin to understand; to realize Catch on: Become popular; to become commonplace; to become the standard Catch up: Entangle Catch up: Be brought up to date with news Catch up: Bring someone else up to date with the news Catch up: Reach something that had been ahead Cheer up: Become happy Cheer up: Make someone happy Chew out: Lecture, scold, reprimand, or rebuke Chew up: Chew so as to make something pulpy Chicken out: Shy away from a daring task Chill out: Relax or take time out; to calm down Chill out: Hang out; spend time together with another person or group Clean out: Clean, especially to tidy by removing the contents Clean out: Empty completely; to remove all money or possessions from Clean up: Make an area or a thing clean; to pick up a mess; to tidy Clean up: Become clean, handsome, smart in appearance Clean up: Make a large pr...

Phrasal Verbs: English Grammar

  Phrasal verbs      List of Phrasal Verbs     👉 Go after      Meaning: Pursue in an attempt to catch another      Example: Go after him and apologize.      👉 Go after      Meaning: Pursue an object or a goal      Example: Inspired, the scientist went right after the new idea.      👉 Go against      Meaning: Violate; to breach; to break      Example: What he did goes against the rules.      👉 Go against      Meaning: Be unfavourable to someone      Example: The court’s decision went against them.      👉 Go against      Meaning: Be contrary to a trend, feeling or principle      Example: This goes against my instincts.      👉 Go against      Meaning: Oppose; to resist      Example: He dared not go again...

Choose correct option: fill in the blanks

English Fill in the blanks.  Phrasal Verbs With Get 1. I hate to get ....................... early in the morning. off on up 2. I can't see what you are trying to get ....................... on at in 3. We don't earn much money but we can get ....................... on up by 4. Work pressure is really getting me .......................... out off down 5. We are getting ...................... at the next station. down off out 6. How could you get .................................. cheating on the test? away away with off with 7. He got ........................... his bike and rode down the road. off up on in 8. Shailesh and his neighbours get ...................... well. away on out off 9. I have got too much work to do. I'd better get ....................... it. on on with off with down with 10. My puppy died last month and I can't get .................... it. on over through up 11. We have got ..................... all the rice. over in through 12. I wonder what he is ...

OOPs Concepts: Inheritance in Java

 The process of acquiring the properties of one class through another class is known as Inheritance. It provides the form of re-usability that means we can add extra features to the existing class by deriving a new class from the existing one without modifying the original class. The original class is called super class (or) Base class (or) Parent class. The new class is called as sub class (or) derived class (or) child class. The sub class can Inherit the features of the super class. Defining a sub class:- Syntax:- class SubClassName extends SuperClassName{      Variable Declaration;      Method Definitions; } The keyword extends signifies that the properties of the superclassname are extended to the subclassname. The subclass will now contain its own variables and methods as well as those of the superclass. Ex:- class Result extends Student {      int s1,s2,s3,total;      float avg;      void getResult(...

Phrasal Verbs: Fill in the blanks

Phrasal Verbs Exercise Fill in the blanks. 1. Citizens must abide …………………. the law of the land. to with by 2. Mother asked me to account …………………………… the amount of time I was away. of for to 3. Your theories just do not add …………………………… on in up 4. Alka advised me ………………………… taking public transport at odd hours. for against to 5. I do not agree …………………………. you on this. to with on 6. We must allow .................................. potential issues that could hamper the project. on for to 7. Beach holidays just do not appeal ............................... me. for with to 8. The child was told to go to his room so that he could calm ………………………………. in down out 9. If you want to catch ………………………… them, you have to work twice as hard. to up up with 10. None of the invitees turned …………………….. in on up 11. I never thought that the plan would work …………………….. but it did. up in out 12. I asked him to stop but he kept ………………………… running. up on in ======================= 🟢Answers🟢 1. Citizens must a...