What are the important things need to learn for NodeJs Interview

 For Node.js, here are some key areas you should be familiar with for a full stack developer interview:

1. **Asynchronous Programming:** Understand the event-driven, non-blocking nature of Node.js. Know how to work with callbacks, Promises, and async/await for handling asynchronous operations efficiently.

2. **Modules and NPM:** Familiarize yourself with using modules in Node.js, including built-in modules like `fs`, `http`, `path`, and how to create and use custom modules. Know how to manage dependencies using npm (Node Package Manager) and package.json.

3. **Express.js:** Have a good grasp of Express.js, a popular web application framework for Node.js. Understand routing, middleware, request handling, and templating engines (like EJS or Handlebars).

4. **RESTful APIs:** Know how to design and implement RESTful APIs using Express.js or other frameworks. Understand HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), request/response handling, authentication (JWT, OAuth), and data validation.

5. **Database Integration:** Be familiar with integrating databases with Node.js applications. Know how to work with relational databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL using libraries like Sequelize or raw SQL queries, and non-relational databases like MongoDB using Mongoose or native MongoDB driver.

6. **Error Handling:** Understand error handling in Node.js, including try-catch blocks, error middleware in Express.js, and handling asynchronous errors.

7. **Testing:** Familiarize yourself with testing Node.js applications using frameworks like Jest, Mocha, Chai. Know how to write unit tests, integration tests, and mocking dependencies.

8. **Security:** Have knowledge of security best practices for Node.js applications, such as input validation, parameterized queries to prevent SQL injection, using Helmet.js for HTTP headers security, and managing secrets securely.

9. **Performance Optimization:** Understand techniques for optimizing Node.js application performance, including caching (using Redis or Memcached), minimizing blocking operations, profiling, and scaling applications.

10. **Deployment:** Know how to deploy Node.js applications to production environments using platforms like Heroku, AWS, Azure, or Docker containers. Understand server configuration, environment variables, and monitoring tools.


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